You Have To Wonder Why So Many People Love Adult Dating Sites
This popularity confounds me because adult dating sites are based on a concept of promiscuity. This behavior does not reflect the real world. Society is much more conservative than the concept of "Adult Dating" So how did this part of the industry become so popular?
Clearly the dating site "profile" plays a big part in this. It gives us anonymity from the people we are communicating with, and the rest of the world, till we build a level of trust. As such, the exposure to rejection and pain associated with such rejection is much less on the internet than in real life. Ie. There is very little opportunity for public humiliation. But does this allow people to be more direct, courageous and honest about chasing their sexual desires? Is "under the cloak of darkness" a very real factor here?
If so, it will be interesting to see in coming years, whether the adult dating phenomena will have any impact on society. For example, will the new "honesty" skills we learn on these types of websites translate into "honesty" skills in social situations.
How will dating evolve? Will flirting and good manners gradually disappear, to be replaced by a more direct form of communication. A direct question followed by a direct answer, all based on a courage born from a loss of sensitivity to rejection.
Or could it change things in the opposite direction? Will the fear of rejection in public become more acute, for its absence on the internet? If so, will the next generation of daters be more averse to socializing and meeting people outside websites?
These questions while interesting, I'll leave for the social historians to answer. I have many too many people to contact today. I've just joined a new site and there are millions of people I haven't met yet.
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